John David Thomas Williamson, Whangārei
Queen's Service Medal for services to the community
Northland Road Safety Trust chairman John Williamson says he's just one of many people who have volunteered their lives to help others.
"Driving 5km/h above the speed limit in a 60km/h zone has the same level of casualty risk as driving at the New Zealand drink-driving limit (blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of 50 mg/100 ml)."
"The top three distractions while driving mentioned by respondents were children, people outside the car, and passengers"
"No Call - No Text - No Ticket"
"Fatigue was a problem mentioned by 24% of drivers when travelling on holiday or long trips."
"It’s not safe to use a device when stopped at traffic lights; Uni of Utah researchers say that drivers take up to 27 seconds to regain full attention after sending a text."