On previous occasions where NZTA provided the information we believe there has been such excellent uptake and changes in travelling behaviour that the congestion peaks have actually moved altogether, especially when incidents may have occurred on the network and people didn’t check before they travelled.
NZTA will start promoting this Highway Hotspot information on the @NZTA social media accounts from Monday 21st March and will have members of the National Travel information service team working on Good Friday and Easter Monday to help provide real time information (real time updates will not be provided on Social Media on Easter Saturday or Sunday unless extenuating circumstances require the need for this)
These hotspot PDF’s are available at www.nzta.govt.nz/hotspots
The times shown are the busiest times based on previous years travel patterns. These are predictions and subject to change based on incidents, weather or other factors. For real time information on the day either subscribe to OnTheMove email alerts (www.onthemove.govt.nz) or visit the Traffic and Travel information page at www.nzta.govt.nz or perhaps consider taking another route if possible.