Several volunteer committee member positions vacant. The Northland Road Safety Association (NRSA) Committee urgently require volunteers for their AGM coming up on the 1st of October 2015. This group co-ordinates 5-6 northbound Fatigue Stops which take place on State Highway One at Uretiti during peak holiday periods during the year.
Two key positions becoming available from members standing down are:
- Treasurer
- Secretary
The Committee meets monthly – 1hr to 1.5hr meetings – during the Spring/Summer periods and less frequently in the off season.
The commitment – attending meetings, managing financial reports, correspondence and minute taking etc. is approximately 3-4hrs per month. Meetings are held in Whangarei CBD area (Water Street).
Additional Fatigue Stop Volunteers are also always welcome – site work is usually between 11am (setting up) and 5.30pm (shutting down) & only in fine weather.
- Fatigue Stop Volunteers – STMS & TC qualified a bonus but not necessary; Must be safety conscious; confident, happy & ability to engage with a wide range of people; great sense of humour; an enthusiastic road safety promoter and proud Northland Ambassador a big advantage.
If wishing to participate in the Fatigue Stops (5-6 stops between Labour Weekend & Easter) – this works out as an additional 6-6.5hrs per Stop of voluntary work. This will include helping set up and pack down the site, engage with motorists and their families that stop with information on fatigued driving and assisting handing out refreshments as a reward for those that stop.
Other partners supporting our Fatigue Stops include – Ruakaka 60’s Up, Northland Brain Injury Association, Northland Road Safety Trust, NRC, WDC, NZ Police, ACC, NZ Refinery Emergency Services, St John’s, Northland Hospitality, Altura, Meadowfresh, Fulton Hogan, Downer ITS, Hire Pool, MediaWorks.
Contact Ian for more details – – Ph DDI 470 1259