Craig Foss
10 NOVEMBER, 2016
A new approach to safer speeds
Associate Transport Minister Craig Foss says a new Speed Management Guide released today will modernise New Zealand’s approach to managing speed and enable a limit of 110km/h on some roads.
“The Speed Management Guide combines a wide range of information to help councils, the New Zealand Transport Agency and other road controlling authorities decide where and when to make safety improvements or changes to speed limits,” Mr Foss says.
“New Zealand roads are unique and conditions vary from towns to cities, north to south. The Guide strongly encourages community involvement as local knowledge and perspectives, backed by the information and data provided in the Guide, will help ensure the best possible safety results.
“Changes made under the Guide may include altering road design, lowering speed limits, or in certain circumstances, raising them.
“To be eligible for a 110 km/h limit, a road will have to meet very strict conditions, including having a median barrier, at least two lanes in each direction and no direct access to neighbouring properties.
“New Zealand’s road toll is much, much too high. The Guide, developed as part of the Government’s Safer Journeys road safety strategy, is about ensuring all road authorities are making sound, evidence-based decisions with an emphasis on safety.
“The Government is investing heavily to make the country’s roads safer. This includes over $11 billion for seven roads of national significance and $212 million for 13 important regional road projects.
“We have also significantly increased our investment in road safety, with about $550 million more in the National Land Transport Programme than three years ago.”
The Speed Management Guide will replace the speed setting guidance in the Land Transport Rule: Setting of Speed Limits 2003. Consultation on the changes will begin in early 2017.
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