Summer weather helps progress Brynderwyn Improvements project | NZ Transport Agency
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Construction work on the State Highway 1 Brynderwyn Improvements project is ramping up as the warmer, drier, spring weather approaches.
During the next four months the NZ Transport Agency will be replacing the road surface near the bottom end of the project, south of Waipu Gorge Road.
The work, which is weather dependent, is scheduled to start in the first week of November and will continue until the middle of February next year.
“If we have good weather we’re aiming to resurface approximately 1 kilometre before Christmas and another 680 metres in the New Year,” says Brett Gliddon the Transport Agency’s Northland Highway Manager.
“There will be loose chip through this section of the project and motorists should slow down and take extra care, which is why we will have speed restrictions in place to protect, motorists, road workers and help prevent vehicle damage.”
Work is also continuing elsewhere on the project, with significant earthworks to elevate the middle section of the project. This means traffic will be moved on to the last section of new road at the beginning of December.
“We’ll also start installing the median wire rope barrier at the top of the hill soon and work down as we complete the road works. This project is all about improving safety on this stretch of the highway and the wire rope barrier is a key aspect of that. By separating north and southbound traffic it reduces the risk of crashes and minimises the impacts of vehicles crossing the centre line.”
The Brynderwyn Improvements project is expected to be completed by February 2017. Wet weather has made the ground conditions extremely muddy causing two months delays to allow it to dry construct the road surface.
More information about the project can be found on our website:
For more information please contact:
Sarah Azam
Media Manager | Auckland and Northland
NZ Transport Agency
T: 09 928 8720
M: 021 103 9227